Friday, October 30, 2015

My Labor and Delivery Story (Part 3)

Everyone was rushing. I was still having chills when I was transferred to another bed. They placed my bp monitor, got me more anesthesia and someone was preparing the "exit path" thru shaving and putting some betadine (Sorry TMI).

The resident ob instructed me on how to push. Inhale then push for 10 seconds. I tought "ok sounds easy". They were all very encouraging and let me practice how to breathe when pushing. My hubby finally arrived at the delivery room and held my hand by my side.

My very cool ob on the left, Dra Rowena Rivera
Then it began, i thought it would be simple but heck it was actually difficult. I was on epidural but it was not 100% painless so that I will be able to feel the contractions and know when to push. There were 2 doctors holding each of my legs. And the resident ob helped me by putting pressure on my tummy as I push.

After 3 tries I still wasn't able to do it. I was already preparing myself should there be a need for emergency cs. I just prayed for my baby to be delivered safely. They were already worried that baby Isa is now under stress and each time I finish pushing she is pulled back. They encouraged me to try again and collect my strength. Finally her head came out then after another push she was completely out
Hello princess
We were able to perform unang yakap and she also latched perfectly. Afterwards she was checked on another side of the delivery room while my ob was stitching me. I felt overwhelmed with joy and reality was starting to sink in. I am a mother now. 
My sweet bundle of joy
Our first family picture

Proud daddy
I would like to thank the doctors and staff of The Medical City for my smooth and successful delivery :). Should we be blessed with baby number 2 I would still deliver here.

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