Thursday, October 29, 2015

Love is sweeter the 2nd time around. My 2nd Saya Carrier

A few months back I bought my first Saya VTB in Oro Black. After a few tries I found it complicated to use with my then 3 month old girl so I sold it online. Now that my daughter is turning 6months (7kg) it became harder to carry her so I became interested in babywearing again. I got a Chicco SSC which I thought would be better but it gave me shoulder and back pains. Also I found out that it is a narrow base carrier which is not recommended (Read: Hip Dysplacia)

Luckily I was able to order another Saya through This time I got a VTB Element (Brown) in size 1. Now I am determined to utilize it. I find it much easier now that my baby has neck control, putting her in the Saya is such a breeze compared to before. Yesterday we were able to test it while we were strolling through the mall. In just about 15 mins she fell asleep and it lasted for around 2 hours I think.
Isay sleeping soundly
Am I satisfied? Definitely! ♡

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